Who is responsible for the use of your personal information
Entity: Rodríguez-Losada Arquitectos S.L.
Address: C/ Pirandello 16, 3ª planta – CIF: B-93577765
Tel: 952 12 49 37
Email: info@rlosada-arquitectos.com
Website: http://www.rlosada-arquitectos.com
Why do we collect your personal information
Rodríguez-Losada Arquitectos collects your personal information from a fill-out form designed to give you the information you request about our services and to keep you informed about products and services that could be interesting for you (commercial communications).
How long we keep your data
Personal information from fill-out forms in our website will be kept until you ask for it to be deleted.
Legitimate interests
The legal grounds for using your personal information is your consent. You have expressed your consent by clicking the box beside ‘I have read and accepted the privacy policy’
Who we share your personal data with
We will not share your personal information with other companies, except to comply with law or to answer your request. Your personal information is collected in the fill-out forms from our website that is hosted in the company hosting SWHosting located in Girona (Spain). So your personal information stays in the European Union.
We may offer anonymous and analytical information about our users to third parties, but we make sure that the information cannot identify you, before sharing it.
Your rights
These are your rights with regard to the personal information that we hold about you:
How to exercise your rights
You may send an email to: info@rlosada-arquitectos.com or a letter to our office that includes:
If you wish to exercise your rights by means of another person, expressly designated, you must provide the document that confirms his or her representation.
In case the personal information belonged to a minor or person legally incapacitated, rights will be exercised by his or her legal representative, duly authorised.
Poder dar respuesta a la información solicitada, así como facilitar información de productos o servicios de su interés
Consentimiento del interesado
No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal
Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional
Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos en el siguiente enlace: http://www.rlosada-arquitectos.com/politica-privacidad/